Pot Luck Country Network Pot Luck Country Network

Classic Pavlova

Hey boys, don't get caught out with a store-bought Pavlova! Oh the horror!! A classic Pav is so simple to whip up and decorate.

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Pot Luck Country Network Pot Luck Country Network

Classic Yo-Yos

These classic country biscuits are perfect for sharing, the tart passionfruit helps cut through the sweetness of the biscuit and buttercream.

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Pot Luck Country Network Pot Luck Country Network

Rainbow Pizza

Ok, so this recipe is a bit of gay fun and completely ridiculous, but it’s good for you, so who are we to argue?

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Pot Luck Country Network Pot Luck Country Network

Sultana scones

There's nothing as good as a cuppa with a mate to solve the problems of the world. Why not whip up a batch of these super simple scones and visit a mate today. They may just need it!

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