Classic Yo-Yos

Classic Yo Yos

These classic country biscuits are perfect for sharing, the tart passionfruit helps cut through the sweetness of the biscuit and buttercream.

175g butter

175g plain flour*

60g caster sugar

60g custard powder

*You can use Self Raising flour if you wish. The end result is a lighter biscuit possibly a bit more fragile but still delicious.

Preheat oven to 180°C

Bring butter to room temperature butter and mix together with sugar, until sugar is combined with the butter and the mix is smooth and creamy. This can be done by hand, or using an electric mixer, be careful not to over whip the mixture as your biscuits will become fragile.

Once combined, fold in combined sifted flour and custard powder. Mix to combine.

Bake for 12-14 minutes.

Passionfruit Buttercream filling

100g butter

250g icing sugar

2 tbsp passionfruit pulp

1 tbsp milk

Whip butter and icing sugar together until combined, add passionfruit and milk and continue to whip until quite pale and fluffy.

When the biscuits are cooled, pipe buttercream on one biscuit and sandwich another on top. 

This recipe is from Country Network member, Greg Kelly, whose cookbook Start with your own Onion is on sale now.

You can buy Greg’s book here

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