Country Lamb Chops tossed with Dill and Lemon

Those lucky to live in the country know that the local butcher in a country town generally has fine meat compared to the local supermarket, so grab yourself some great country lamb chops

I prefer cooking the this recipe on a bbq as the lamb can be smoky and fatty if you are cooking them in a home kitchen. If you have great exhaust fans in your home kitchen then it shouldn't be a problem. If you don't, best to cook them outside because the fatty smell can linger in your home.

6 lamb chops

1 lemon, juiced and zested

1 tbsp dill, chopped

4 garlic scapes*, chopped into 4cm pieces

2 cups broccoli florets

2 cups cauliflower florets

2 tsp tomato sauce

Splash of wine (red or white)

2 tsp butter

salt & pepper

Splash the juice and zest of lemon over chops. Season with salt and pepper.

Cook lamb chops until a rich, brown crust forms on the bottom. Flip the lamb chops and continue to cook to your preferred doneness. 

Set chops aside on a plate to rest, sprinkle chopped dill over resting meat.

While resting lamb, stir fry garlic scapes, broccoli and cauliflower. Season to taste.

The chops, once rested, will have some juice left over, place in a frying pan with tomato sauce and a splash of wine, bring to the boil and add butter. Once reduced and glossy it’s time to serve.

Stack stir fry, then chops and pour over the sauce.

Bon Appetit!

*What are Garlic scapes?

Garlic scapes are the tender stem and flower bud of the garlic plant. Scapes grow out of the top of each garlic bulb, then coil into long, skinny, green stems that look somewhat like tender, twirly green beans or green onions. These tender green stalks are both edible and delicious, rather like tender, young asparagus with a delicious hint of garlic flavour.

This recipe is from Country Network member, Greg Kelly, whose cookbook Start with your own Onion is on sale now.

You can buy Greg’s book here

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