Simple Summer Salad

‘twas the night before Christmas when a panicked phone call summoned you to create a culinary masterpiece to save the day from ruin!

Well, it may not be a culinary masterpiece, but it’s the quickest, simplest salad that has a great impact every time.

Tomatoes and cheese, what’s not to love?!

Grab a selection of tomatoes, the weirder and more colourful, the better, a tub of bocconcini, and some fresh basil (parsley in a pinch). Of course, you have a bottle of olive oil and some pepper in your well-appointed pantry.

Slice them all up, throw them on a plate, drizzle with some olive oil, cracked black pepper and herbs and BOOM!
The gays saved Christmas again!*

*no guarantees are made that this salad will save Christmas, but it tastes great and is so quick to throw together!

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