Membership Requirements and Conditions

This document is a guide for all members to get the most from their participation in Country Network (CN) by providing an understanding of our aims, conditions, protocols and objectives.

This document should be read in conjunction with the Country Network Constitution which takes precedence.


    Country Network is

    • an incorporated organisation registered in NSW with the Dept. of Fair Trading

    • a non-sectarian, non-political, and non-profit organisation for people who identify as male, and as a member of the LGBTIQ+ community.

    • An organisation that is run by volunteers with a philosophy of ‘lots of people doing a little bit of work’.

  2. AIMS

    By promoting and fostering networking and friendship among male-identifying members of the LGBTIQ+ community within Australia, Country Network aims to:

    • Provide our members with greater support as well as, social and networking opportunities, especially for those who are in remote and regional areas.

    • Help improve social circumstances, connection and wellbeing for all members.

    • Build positive, healthy, supportive and stronger communities for our members, especially in regional and rural areas.

    • To engage in and promote charitable services and social activities, within the GLBTIQ+ community and with other GLBTIQ+ organisations.


    1.  To be a Country Network member, you should:

      • Be at least 18 years of age.

      • Be an Australian resident.

      • Identify as male and as a member of the LGBTIQ+ community.

    2. As an incorporated association, members are required to provide their home address for administration purposes only. Non-Members cannot view this information. It is your decision to disclose your address to other members. If you require your personal details to be supressed for safety reasons, email your request to the Country Network Registrar at:

    3. You must make at least one method of contact available to fellow members. The default method of contact is an email address, however you may choose to share a home address, PO Box, home phone or mobile phone number.

    4. Your completed and submitted membership application indicates that you agree to, and will comply with, the Country Network Constitution and all aspects of this document.

    5. All members agree not to bring Country Network into disrepute.

    6. Deliberate non-compliance with any membership conditions, aims and protocols may result in the termination of membership, and/or any other appropriate action.

    7. Country Network reserves the right to refuse a membership application at the discretion of the Membership Committee.


    1. The Country Network Privacy Statement is available at

    2. Country Network takes privacy and security seriously and undertakes to protect the privacy and confidentiality of members’ personal details to the best of its ability.

    3. All members are responsible and obligated to respect all member’s confidentiality and privacy, including personal information and contact details.

    4. Country Network takes reasonable steps to comply with the relevant requirements and obligations as stated by the NSW Department of Fair Trading, the Privacy Act and any other relevant authority and regulations governing the operations of Country Network including but not limited to:

      • ensuring that the personal information it collects, uses or discloses is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

      • protecting the personal information it holds from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.


    1. Country Network is a safe space for all members and requires all members to embrace our core values of courtesy, respect, and tolerance to each other.

    2. Country Network does not make any moral judgment on the lifestyle, behaviour or actions of individual members, provided the member complies with Australian law or regulations, and does not contravene this document.

    3. Members should appreciate that other members may have issues incidents or situations in their lives, which others may not be aware of. Please support members where possible and respect a member’s request or wish.

    4. All members must respect and support all other member’s privacy, the extent of openness about and disclosure of themselves and their life/sexuality provided the member complies with Australian law or regulations, and does not contravene this document.

    5. Country Network members may not always share similar views and opinions, but all member’s views and opinions should be respected, provided the member complies with Australian law or regulations, and does not contravene this document.

    6. Any non-members at Country Network events are the responsibility of either the event organiser or the member who invited them. They are expected to follow member protocols and behaviours outlined in this document.

    7. Country Network does not tolerate or accept:

      • Discrimination, which includes, but not limited to, discrimination based on race, age, nationality, sexual orientation, sexual identity, employment, disability, religion, and political belief.

      • Abusive, coercive and bullying behaviour.

      • Harassment, which includes, but not limited to, unwanted attention/advances and inappropriate behaviour.


    1. The membership list is a confidential list of fellow members’ contact details and available to financial members only. This list:

      • Is not available to any non-member, ex member or the general public.

      • Includes a member’s first name, last name, email address, suburb, contact phone number (if shared). Contact the member directly for any further information.

      • Must always be kept secure, both physically and electronically, whenever a member has access to the membership list. Failure to do so will result in termination of membership, and/or any other appropriate action.

      • Must only be for Country Network business networking and social contact between members.

      • Is updated regularly and is available as a searchable list of profiles located in the Member Only section of the Country Network website.

    2. Any printed version of the Membership List must:

      • Not leave a member’s home.

      • Not be copied.

      • Not passed on, or made available to any other person or organisation/group.

      • Be destroyed and rendered illegible, after use.

    3. Any electronic version of the Membership List must:

      • Not be forwarded, made available or transmitted in any manner to any other person.

      • Not be accessed and viewed in a public area.

    4. Postage members will receive a copy of the Member’s List biannually (June/December) or may request a copy of the Member’s List at any other time, which will incur printing and postage costs.

    5. Members can request a complete member listing from the Membership Coordinator or Registrar in writing. This may incur a retrieval fee.

    6. Members may change their personal profile details at any time, either online via the ‘Your Account’ section, or by writing to the Secretary.

    7. Any members sending group emails must use the BCC (blind carbon copy) option to protect other member’s privacy.

    8. Refer any issues regarding membership and/or the Membership List to the Secretary at:

  7. FEES

    1. Membership fees are reviewed annually. Country Network is a non-profit organisation and so we are always working to keep membership fees to a minimum to cover running costs. Refer to the Membership Application for a list of the current fees.

    2. Any member who requires their correspondence via Australia Post must pay an additional annual charge. Country Network subsidises the cost of mailing to not disadvantage any technically isolated members. Our default option is to email all correspondence, in order to reduce our costs and volunteer hours.


    1. All members have a right to privacy. As such, they may not want to be photographed nor have their photo published anywhere.

    2. All members have the right to advise the event organiser and/or the photographer that they may not photograph them.

    3. If a member has been photographed and does not consent, that member can ask the photographer or the event organiser to delete/destroy the photo.

    4. When a member submits photographs for our newsletter, they should seek the approval of all members featured in the photograph.

    5. A member may not publish any Country Network event photograph in any other external paper or electronic publication without the prior consent from all members featured in that photograph.

    6. A photographer must make every reasonable effort to advise everyone in a photograph, of the intended use of the photograph beforehand.

    7. If there is a non-member at a Country Network event, the event organiser or the member who invited them, must ensure that they are aware of the rules around photographing members.

    8. Members must remember that any photograph published electronically should be considered as on the internet permanently.


    1. A grievance may include, but is not limited to, discrimination, harassment, a disagreement and inappropriate/offensive behaviour.

    2. Any member who may have a grievance or concern with any member and/or matter can complete a Grievance Form which is available in the Member Only section of the Country Network website. (

    3. The committee will deal with the matter in an objective, sensitive and confidential manner.


    1. Country Network promotes and encourages support, networking and friendship between members, which has created a tradition of hosting and providing accommodation to fellow members.

    2. Hosting is not obligatory. Even if you have previously indicated that you can host, it is your right to decline a hosting request. A members’ choice to host (or not) is to be respected. A refusal is not to offend.

    3. To ensure successful hosting for both the host and the guest, consider the following protocols:

      • When making initial contact, please use discretion, as the member’s living arrangements may be unknown to you or may have changed.

      • Country Network realises that initial visits can come with some anxiety for both host and guest. Remember neither host nor guest is a stranger; both are fellow Country Network members.

      • Hosting provides mutual benefits to both guest and host, such as support, friendship and networking especially for members in regional, rural and remote areas. Whenever you may be travelling, please strongly consider this opportunity as often you may be doing your host a favour.

      • A member’s capacity to host is on the member’s profile on the Country Network website, however they may change their details at any time for any reason.

      • To make an initial enquiry for accommodation, provide the member with sufficient time to consider your request. A refusal is not to offend.

      • Hosts must clearly advise the living/accommodation/sleeping arrangements to guests upon initial enquiry.

    4. To enable both host and guest to enjoy their experience of shared accommodation, remember the following:

      • Establish boundaries and expectations before, or when, the guest arrives. This may include length of stay, personal requirements, privacy, any commitments such as work or family arrangements, etc.

      • Be sensitive to a member’s financial and personal situation and contribute to any expenses or the workload resulting from your stay.

      • Both hosts and guests should respect that either may have arrangements or commitments that do not include the other.

      • Communicate clearly and do not make assumptions.

    5. Guiding is to offer assistance to visitors when they visit your town or region. Some guidelines for guiding are:

      • The level of assistance is by mutual agreement between the visitor and guide.

      • Give your host reasonable prior notice, as the guide may not be available at short notice.


    1. Country Network conducts two national events per year:

      • An Annual General Meeting (AGM), conducted during a weekend in Spring.

      • A less formal, Midyear Gathering held in Autumn.

    2. The event details and booking forms are in the Events Guide and on the Country Network website, or posted, if requested.

    3. The events are usually held over a weekend for about 3 or 4 nights.

    4. The events are an ideal opportunity for social interaction and networking with fellow members from all over Australia.

    5. Accommodation is usually at or near the meeting venue and included in the prices. Accommodation type and costs aim for an equitable balance to suit the diversity of our membership. If any member considers the accommodation unsuitable for any reason, they are free to make their own arrangements. However, members who stay at alternative accommodation should support the weekend where possible.


    1. As well as the national gatherings, members organise State based and local events.

    2. Events may include social events, weekends away, trips, other LGBTIQ+ festival, or special interest events that may support and help rural/regional members.

    3. All members are encouraged to suggest, organise and/or host an event.

    4. All members should work with their Area Coordinator when planning an event.

    5. Refer to the Event Hosting Guide on the Members Only section of the Country Network website for more information on hosting an event.

    6. All events should be available to all members. Most events also encourage guests to attend as well.

    7. The Event Hosting Guide and the Country Network website are there to promote and provide details of upcoming events.

    8. Event organisers should consider if any insurance is required. Events held in public venues are usually insured by the venue owner/business owner.

    9. Email the Events Coordinator at, and your local Area Coordinator for any queries or to develop/promote an event.


    1. The Country Networker newsletter is published bi-monthly, producing six issues per annum, and is for members only.

    2. All members are strongly encouraged to contribute news, views, ideas, social events and anything of interest.

    3. Email all contributions to the Editor by the publication deadline preceding each publication.

    4. The Editor reserves the right, without retribution, to refuse publication of any material deemed by the Editor to be inappropriate, offensive or unsuitable.

    5. Members can read and/or download newsletter editions in the Members’ Only section of the Country Network website. All Postage members will receive a printed copy by post.

    6. Members who do not want their photograph published in the Country Network magazine, must advise the Editor by email or in writing.

    7. To contact the Editor, email:


    1. The Country Network website is

    2. Our website is divided into two sections:

      • The Public pages which are accessible to both members and the general public and provides general information about Country Network. It does not contain any members details.

      • A Members Only section, which is secure and provides access to all Country Network’s administration information, documentation, social event details together with the Membership List and the personal profile created by each member. Members can edit their profiles to determine the amount of personal information available and visible to other members. The default contact method is email, however members may share other contact methods of contact on their profile bio.

    3. Access to the Members Only secure section is using the member’s own password login.

    4. Members must keep their login details secure and private. Any sharing of login information with third parties is not accepted and will result in immediate termination of your membership, and any other appropriate action.

    5. Members may only post material that complies with Australian law and/or regulations, and does not contravene this document.

    6. The Country Network Digital team administers the website. The digital team can be contacted via the Feedback Form on the website.


    1. Country Network runs a Private Facebook group which is available to financial members only, and a Public Facebook page which is accessible to both members and the general public. Administrators appointed by the Country Network Committee control both pages.

    2. The Private Facebook group provides a platform for all paid members to post discussions, events, stories or anything else deemed relevant and of interest to fellow members. To join the private Facebook page, click:
      The Administrator must approve your request.

    3. The Public Facebook page is used to create awareness of Country Network in the public domain.

    4. Members may only post material on either the Facebook page or group that:

      • Complies with Australian law or regulations.

      • Does not contravene this document.

      • Members must not post anything that:

      • Includes any personal or private contact details of any member unless that member provides prior approval.

      • Includes a photo of a fellow member without the member's prior approval.

      • May be deemed to be offensive to fellow members.

      • Is a personal attack or accusation against fellow members, named or not.

      • Is hearsay or gossip that may be deemed prejudicial to the interests of Country Network.

      • Incites disputes, or is considered impertinent, or that may bully or harass a member.

      • Brings Country Network into disrepute.

      • May be considered offensive or defamatory to a third party.

      • The Facebook Administrator reserves the right, without retribution, to remove any post deemed to be inappropriate, offensive or unsuitable.

    5. The author of any post removed by an Administrator may respectfully contact an administrator for reasons of removal by sending a direct message to the Facebook group or page. The author may also raise a grievance with the Committee if they do not agree with the action to remove the post. (See section on Grievances).

    6. Repeated breaches may result in the suspension or banning of a member’s access to Country Network Facebook page or group, and/or any other appropriate action as deemed suitable by the Country Network committee.


    1. Country Network is a volunteer-run, social organisation. Members who volunteer to assist the running of our social network commit many hours, in addition to their normal workload and social life. Members should consider this when making assessments of individual performances in the various roles. There is always room for more volunteers.

    2. Those members who get the most out of Country Network are often those same members who make the time and effort, however small, to participate.

    3. Enjoy your Country Network experience in the manner for which it was founded.

    4. Tell a friend about Country Network and help this worthwhile organisation continue to grow.