A Right Royal Affair

This is a member only article

I have attached, the invitation that was sent to me, to be presented at a reception held by the NSW Government where The Queen, Prince Phillip, Prince Charles and Princess Anne had the opportunity to meet members of various NSW Youth Groups. I was one of three from my then organisation.

The event was held in the Sydney Trocadero (dance hall) in George Street Sydney.

We had to present ourselves before 1715hrs and upon arrival, we were all briefed on how to bow or courtesy, how to address the royals if spoken to etc. Strange to read now, but the instructions said NO SMOKING.

We then moved to the main dance room and formed up in a hollow circle.

When the royal party arrived, they played the national anthem and the State officials welcomed the Queen and her party. The royals then moved around the circle, chatting with some and missing others. At a very discreet distance, waiters moved around with trays of finger food. No, the Queen does not eat at such functions.

I was ‘lucky” that, the Queen stopped in front of me and we exchanged “greetings” The Queen asked questions about my organisation and was very knowable about its history and origins. Very well briefed. She then moved on to speak to others. A little time later, Prince Charles moved in front of me. I suspect that he noticed the wings on my tunic. We spent some time discussing flying and different types of training aircraft in both Australia and the United Kingdom. At the time, Prince Charles was often derided by the media. I doubt if many knew how to spell conservation, least of all what it stood for and just how important it is for today’s world.

He then moved on to speak to others. Prince Phillip and Princess Anne passed us by.

These days I am very much a republican, I desire Australia to be a republic of a suitable type and properly more so since my retirement. However, I was most impressed with how kind and understanding the Queen was. While we all understood that at such events time is checked to the minute and the Royal Party was later expected at the State Dinner, they never appeared rushed and took their time passing around. After all the politicians need their time in glory.

1970 was a long time ago, however, the best points are still firmly in my mind and while it took questions raised by Neil’s quizzes (at the AGM) to recall the event.

On the whole, I was most impressed. I have never had that opportunity again.

So, I savoured it.

Thank you for the opportunity to refresh my memory.


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