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Coffs Coasters Walking Group

Non-members welcome LGBTIQ+ Inclusive event

Casuarina Falls – Dorrigo National Park

Trail information: (from National Parks)

  • Duration: 2.0 to 2.5 hours

  • Distance: 4.8 km loop.

  • Grading: 4. Some steps and short steep hills

  • No dogs allowed, unfortunately as it is within a National Park

Date: 13/01/23 (the second Friday in January)

Time: 10.30 am at the Never Never picnic area

Getting there: Head towards Dorrigo from Bellingen on Waterfall Way. About 1 km before Dorrigo, turn right onto Dome Rd and continue 2 km to the Rainforest Centre. Just before the car park (and Rainforest Centre), turn left and follow Dome Rd for 10 km to the Never Never picnic area. The last 6 km are not sealed, but in good condition. I checked this out with a work colleague a few days before I went overseas in August. Picnic area is very pleasant, and there is a long-drop toilet.

Car pooling: I suggest that those of us who are in the immediate Coffs Harbour area meet at the old Catholic Club on West High Street at 9.00am for a 10.30am start at the Never Never picnic area.

After the walk we can have a picnic lunch or have lunch at the pub in Dorrigo.

Jack Ellis

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