Travel Country Network Travel Country Network

Top 5 LGBTIQ+ Events to Attend in Regional Australia

Whether you're into drag performances, dance parties, or exploring the natural beauty of Australia, there is something for everyone at these festivals. So why not add one (or more) of these events to your calendar and experience the magic of regional Australia for yourself?

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Better Life Country Network Better Life Country Network

After the glitter is gone!

The energy and excitement of pride events like World Pride, Mardi Gras or even your local pride festival event can be truly refreshing, but returning to everyday life after such a high can be challenging.

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Up the Arts Country Network Up the Arts Country Network

A CAMP story

CAMP is a story of murder, corruption, love and liberation where past and present collide in a dramatised retelling of the 1970s events which lead to the 1978 Mardi Gras.

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Country Network Country Network

Drag’d out in Beechworth

For those of you unfamiliar with Beechworth, it’s a beautiful, old gold mining town in the high country in northeast Victoria.

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