‘Tis the season to be asking

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A conversation can change a life.

R U OK? inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with those in their world who may be struggling with life.

You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener. Christmas and the holiday season can be difficult for some people who struggle to navigate the celebrations and festivities around them. They might be dealing with the strain of financial pressure, work demands, recent events, grief, or a challenging family situation.

If there's someone who's finding this time of year tough, you can make a difference  by checking in and having meaningful conversations with the people  in your world who: 

  • Are grieving

  • Can’t get home 

  • Have had a tough year 

  • Don’t feel safe in their home 

  • Are struggling financially 

  • Have been affected by natural disasters

  • Are working over the holidays 

  • Find the holiday season stressful 

  • Are unwell 

  • Have challenging family relationships 

  • Are spending the holidays alone

  • Feel excluded at this time

R U Ok? offers some great practical advice for supporting someone who's finding things tough during the holidays including the calendar of connection above.

Visit their website for more information and practical tips.


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