Learn…for FREE!

This is a member only article

Have you ever wanted to learn a new language, understand global diplomacy or write your first novel?
Why not try a free online course!

No matter how far your formal education journey takes you, learning doesn’t have to stop there. We can continue learning—whether for career advancement or simply for fun. A great selection of low-cost and even FREE courses are available online.

WE’ve picked some of the best online course providers offering free short courses to expand your knowledge. From full university courses to short videos, articles and books, we never stop learning.

Be connected

Be Connected is an Australian government initiative committed to building older Australians' confidence, digital skills and online safety. Whether you want to pick up new skills or dive into a new topic, you can access our free learning resources online or join one of the thousands of community organisations running free computer classes across Australia.



Coursera partners with more than 275 leading universities and companies to bring flexible, affordable, job-relevant online learning to individuals and organizations worldwide. They offer a range of learning opportunities—from hands-on projects and courses to job-ready certificates and degree programs. Check out the link below for their FREE courses



Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes for creative and curious people on topics including illustration, design, photography, video, freelancing, and more. Check out the link below to their FREE courses.



Whether you’re recently retired, long retired, or about to retire, U3A would love to welcome you to our incredible community. U3A’s low membership fees give you access to activities to suit every interest and energy level—from learning Italian to bushwalking with new friends. Check out the U3A website below and find out what is on offer in our local area


School of Life

School of Life derives ideas from psychology, psychotherapy, philosophy, art and culture. As their name – The School of Life – suggests, they are here to teach people how life can be lived and what can make it truly worthwhile, effective and fulfilling. An interesting explore for short articles, books for sale and videos.


Don’t forget we have our own learning section for members on this website. Our Members Help page is packed with FAQ’s, Top Tip articles to help you navigate the website and even a website tour.

Click HERE to visit our Member Help Page

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