Monkey Pox - Prick, Pause, Play!

Original Article: Here

Emen8 has launched Australia’s biggest and boldest online sexual health and wellbeing initiative for gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men delivered in partnership between ACON and Thorne Harbour Health.

Their latest national campaign raises awareness of monkeypox in Australia to help prevent outbreaks.

Their campaign, Prick – Pause – Play, features messages about knowing the symptoms, risk factors, prevention strategies and the importance of getting the vaccine.

Monkeypox, or MPXV, is a viral infection that causes a rash. It is spread by skin-to-skin contact, including during sex. Since May 2022, there has been a global increase in MPXV cases reported from multiple countries where MPXV is not usually seen. Anyone can get MPXV, but most of the cases are in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men.

Monkeypox vaccination key points

  • A safe and effective monkeypox vaccine is available now to eligible people.

  • The vaccine is provided free of charge.

  • Maximum protection requires two doses of vaccine given at least 28 days apart.

  • It takes two weeks for each dose of vaccine to reach the highest level of protection in your body.

  • Vaccinate ahead of travel and party events and as soon as possible in your state or territory.


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