2023 Country Network Constitution update voting form
Below you will find a link to the Country Network Proposed Constitution. The New South Wales Fair Trading updated its Model Constitution in October 2022. The following is a brief explanation of the process.
The constitution of an incorporated association forms the structure within which the association operates.
NSW Fair Trading has prepared a model constitution to assist associations, such as Country Network, in developing or updating their constitution, which covers the matters required by law. An association may:
adopt this model constitution; or
adopt a modified version of this model constitution.
The Country Network committee recommends adopting the NSW Fair Trading Model Constitution (developed in October 2022) and modifications that apply to Country Network. This resulting document is known as the Country Network Proposed Constitution.
When you read the Country Network Proposed Constitution, you will see some wording in red. These are the words added to the model constitution that apply to Country Network. The Committee has reviewed and agrees with the proposed changes.
We recommend adopting the Country Network Proposed Constitution.
Please complete the following steps to place your vote to accept the Country Network Proposed Constitution. All votes to accept the Country Network Proposed Constitution or to communicate your objection must be received by the President no later than 5pm on the 31st of August, 2023.
Step 1. Download the Country Network Proposed Constitution and review.
Step 2. Vote to accept the Country Network Proposed Constitution or communicate your objection.
Every vote counts, and you may only vote once.
Your submission will be recorded at the upcoming 2023 Country Network AGM.